Without particular interest and just to pass the time, I read a story 我读了一篇故事,并非有什么特别的兴趣,仅仅为了消遣。
He paged the book without interest. 他了无兴趣地翻着书。
That suggests that even the most creditworthy state-owned enterprises are unable to raise anything near$ 1bn in the dim sum bond market, at least not without punitive interest rates. 这表明,即便是信誉最佳的国有企业,也无法在点心债券市场上筹集到接近10亿美元的资金,至少在没有惩罚性利率的情况下无法做到。
The trip to the seaside was not without interest. That water was a little less salty than sea water is today. 去海滨的那次旅行并不是没有趣味。当时海水的咸味比今天的稍淡一些。
The decision to require 30 per cent of all inflows to be deposited with the central bank for a year, without interest, was reversed a day later for equities after the local stock market benchmark saw the biggest one-day drop in its history. 当时该国决定,要求所有资本流入的30%在泰国央行存满一年,且不计利息。一天之后,由于泰国基准股指出现了有史以来的最大单日跌幅,这一决定被推翻。
I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one's interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. 我不是说对他们应该毫不关心,但是这种关心应该是冷静思考性的,而且,如果可能的话,是慈善救济性的,但不要过于动感情。
Without the interest conflict between the two sexes, and also without a mutual goal to fight for, the concern of some of the female in the new generation turns back to their own life. 没有了以前的性别利益对立关系,没有了需要共同抗争的志向,今日部份新一代的女性关注的议题再次回归到自身生活。
Without interest rate deregulation, you will drive more money underground, says Christina Chung at RCM Asia Pacific in Hong Kong, a fund manager. 如果不放开利率,就会推动更多资金转入地下,基金管理公司RCMAsiaPacific驻香港的钟秀霞(ChristinaChung)表示。
Robertson answered briefly and without interest. 罗伯逊简略地毫无兴趣地作了回答。
In america, if a state unemployment insurance fund is inadequate to continue paying benefits, the States then can borrow money from the federal government without paying interest. 在美国,如果州政府的失业保险基金不足而不能继续给付,则州政府可从联邦政府获得无息贷款。
"Michael's kite," Peter said without interest, but next moment he had seized the tail, and was pulling the kite toward him. “迈克尔的风筝。”彼得不感兴趣地说,可是紧接着,他突然抓住风筝的尾巴,把它拉到身边。
To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit. 为公司开破与董事之间的往来账户,按照董事会认为合适的条件及条款给公司垫款,该等垫款可收取利息或不收取利息。
However, I can get on very well without your interest. 哼,你不感兴趣,我照样过得很好。
Concerning the import side of this compensation trade, we agree to make payment by three yearly installments without interest. 至于这笔补偿贸易的进口一方,我们同意采取为期3年的免息分期付款方式。
He opened the letter without much interest. 他没精打采地拆开了那封信。
It is lent to you for thirty days, without interest. 这笔钱借你用三十天,不计利息。
This co-operation is rendered without calculation, without ulterior motive and without mercantile interest. 进行合作时没有其他考虑,没有不可告人的用心,也不惟利是图。
Then I frame around those points in such a way that all of the images will be filled with arrows-parts without interest should be left out. 然后我围绕这些点去设计,用这种方法,所有的图像将用箭头填满,不能吸引人的部分将省去。
There were still two hours to go before school was dismissed; she plodded down the street without interest. 离放学还有两个小时,她无精打采地慢慢地走到街上。
I can borrow some money from the school without paying interest. 我可以向学校借些钱而不必支付利息。
The pre-tax of income financial cashflow statement on financing from only equity capital is used to study the profitability of a project before financing approach ( without interest) and income taxing; 全股权筹资项目税前财务现金流量表用于考察项目融资方案确定前(即不算借款利息)及所得税前整个项目的盈利能力;
There will be no innovation without interest and curiosity. 没有兴趣与好奇就没有创新;
In order to change the report of economy situation without interest, we must put in time and energy approaching to readers. 为改变经济报道枯燥乏味的状况,必须在贴近生活、贴近读者上下功夫。
The herdsmen listed pay on credit as the first way to improve the situation, the others were pay in kind, decrease the price of health services, loan without interest and loan according their ranks. 牧民将除账列为提高卫生服务利用的第一办法,其余依次为实物付费、降低医疗服务价格、无息贷款以及贷款。
Interest is the best teacher. Without interest, one may have bad learning ability. 兴趣是最好的老师,没有兴趣会使学习能力下降。
Designing a model to prove the life insurance companies would set a high pre-set interest rate to attract premiums and adopt high risk investment strategy without pre-set interest control. 4. 设定模型证明,在破产有限偿付责任和无保单预定利率管制的前提下,寿险公司采取高保单预定利率吸引保费,然后进行高风险投资的必然性。
The principle of marine insurable interest is the core content of the marine insurance that is dominating the international marine insurance. It is an important principle in the system of marine insurance that, without insurable interest, one can not be compensated. 海上保险的可保利益原则是主宰国际海上保险的灵魂,没有可保利益就不能得到赔偿,这是海上保险制度中的一条重要原则。